All About My Mother

My Mother grew up in London when it was swinging. She listened to the Beatles, danced to Reggae and her first job was working as a Window Dresser in Heals on Tottenham Court Road. It must have been amazing! 

My fabulous mother

Luckily for me, she spent her earnings on beautiful Ossie Clark dresses, high-waisted jeans and circular skirts from the Kings Road. Her wardrobe (and now mine) is crammed full of amazing vintage clothes. Every time I go to a wedding, she pulls out another spectacular piece for me to wear.

A few of me in mum's dresses

People always ask me where I get them from and I love saying that they belonged to my mum. Knowing that it is unlikely that anyone else will be wearing the same thing is part of the appeal. That's what I love about vintage. Its lovingly made, really beautiful and always unique. 

So thank you mum, for your fabulous wardrobe and everything you do. Thank you too for your constant and unfaltering love and support. I love you.

Happy Mothers Day! xxx
Mum & Me

Images copyright of Saffron Vintage


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Our little company, Saffron Vintage Hire & Events, supplies all manner of vintage props and crockery to brides, party planners, photographers, retailers, corporate companies, tv and film. We can also help with styling and event management. This blog shares our vintage style and life online. We’ll keep you up to date with what’s happening at in the world of Saffron Vintage but from time to time, we’ll add a smidgeon of other things we love; design, renovation, craft, fashion, babies, gardening and probably some whimsy. We hope you enjoy it!