Vintage Fayre

It's been such a busy week for us at SV HQ, (you know...what with business and baby business!) but there are so many exciting things afoot, we don't mind a jot! 

We're delighted to be working with local web agency, Rifle on the design and build of our new website. The new site will mean a small change to our web address and email(, but we know that it will be well worth it and can't wait to show you the results! EXCITING! 

We're also working with lots of brides and party planners to finalise their bookings for summer events AND just when we thought there weren't enough hours in the day, we were offered a pitch at the Red Lion Wedding Fayre last weekend. How could we refuse!

The fayre was our first of 2013 and the early start on a cold grey Sunday was a distant memory once we'd set up and had a play in our Kissing Booth. Nothing like a bit of fancy dress and kissing to blow the cobwebs away! 

The venue, The Red Lion Inn & Hotel near Cambridge were super hosts & gave us lots of room to show off our vintage wares. 

It was so hard to choose what to take. But, with two cars filled to the rafters and mother, husband and baby in tow, we created a little vintage party. Complete with pink lemonade, a Gramophone and a small mountain of marshmallows (which didn't last long with husband around). 

We had a jolly day meeting the Brides, their families and other exhibitors and definitely can't wait to do it again!

Do take a peek at our facebook site for lots more photos...and we hope to see you at a wedding fayre soon. 

If you would like to hire something or would just like to discuss your ideas, we'd love to hear from you. Email: or telephone: 07887 947688


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About Us

Our little company, Saffron Vintage Hire & Events, supplies all manner of vintage props and crockery to brides, party planners, photographers, retailers, corporate companies, tv and film. We can also help with styling and event management. This blog shares our vintage style and life online. We’ll keep you up to date with what’s happening at in the world of Saffron Vintage but from time to time, we’ll add a smidgeon of other things we love; design, renovation, craft, fashion, babies, gardening and probably some whimsy. We hope you enjoy it!